So my Firefox Bookmarks contains a little more than half decade's worth of bookmarks. They are organized by year until 2007 and then by type and genre and original source afterwards. Some are better organized than others, and most are kept for the sake of nostalgia rather than actual worth, since a good 75% of the pages no longer exist, or have moved. I hardly ever poke into my old bookmarks unless I'm looking for something old, but I didn't want to loose those old files either so I have kept them all these years, only occasionally going in to weed out the lost and dead pages that can no longer be found even with the Way Back Machine. Nevertheless, I recently discovered that Firefox seems to have issues with such a big Bookmarks file and has been freezing up every time I try to edit anything in it, so I finally had to delete some years- though first I poked in and had a looksie to see if there was anything I might want to move to a more permanent folder. There wasn't much, but I did decide to keep my 2007 folder, since it was the first year I had actually organized my bookmarks by more than date and archive, and in fact still had a comprehensive listing of archives and sites that may still by valid. Plus all my old Stargate fic links, which I do look for every once in a while. Hopefully, deleting 2003-2006 will be enough... and its not like I don't have backups for if I need to find an old link....
Anyway, during my look through my old bookmarks I found my old deadjournal blog- last updated in 2005 or so. I actually surprised me how much has and hasn't changed since then:
I had more hope for the future since I hadn't yet run into the financial stumbling blocks of today and hadn't even realistically thought about getting a real job since I seemed to think it was an automatic thing after graduating university. I was more enthusiastic about the little things and still writing and planning to write- and I still had a passion for learning that I've lately found hard to find. My fandoms of choice were almost entirely anime based- I had just been on the way out of the Naruto fandom for the first time and complaining about the badfic in one of my last entries. What strikes me the most though was that the language I used was still very young and enthusiastic and excited rather than matter-of-fact and vaguely disconnected as I feel my writing is now. I wonder what changed....
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